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How To Steer Clear of Dental Emergencies

May 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mcnewdental @ 11:49 pm
Tooth on a stretcher

“Dental emergency” is the term dentists use to describe the most serious and pressing oral health problems. Broken teeth, painful toothaches, and damaged oral appliances all fall under this category.

Most patients would prefer to do whatever they can to avoid these issues from coming to a head. While these conditions are sometimes unavoidable, there are usually steps you can take to ensure that your teeth aren’t damaged. Here’s are a few key tips for avoiding dental emergencies.

Be Diligent with Dental Hygiene

Some of the most serious oral health problems creep up slowly and are a consequence of long-term neglect. Toothaches, for example, are usually due to a combination of gum disease and tooth decay that have progressed significantly.

You can do a lot to prevent these conditions from becoming serious by controlling the buildup of plaque in your mouth, which is easiest via brushing and flossing consistently.

See Your Dentist for Regular Cleanings

However, even if you’re thorough with your dental hygiene, there are certain places in your mouth that you aren’t going to be able to reach easily. It’s very easy to start to see plaque and tartar buildup in these areas of the mouth.

This is why it’s important to see your dentist regularly for cleanings. This gives them the opportunity to break up plaque deposits in your mouth, as well as the ability to detect emerging oral health problems before they become emergencies.

Protect Your Oral Appliances

If you have dentures, braces, or another oral appliance, their breaking could absolutely constitute a serious dental emergency. You can stop this from happening by taking diligent care of your oral appliance, following the guidelines set by your dentist. You should also avoid certain foods that could damage your dental work, like hard or gummy candies.

If you’re an athlete with braces, you might also want to invest in a sports guard to protect them. Having one professionally crafted by a dentist will ensure that it’ll protect you when you need it most.

About Our Practice

At McNew Dental, we believe that the best way to keep our patients healthy is to ensure that they never have to deal with oral health problems in the first place. That means we not only treat our patients’ problems as they arise, but we also form strong relationships with them through educating them on how best to take care of their smile. No matter your age or the state of your oral health, you will be treated with integrity and respect for the duration of your stay with us.

If you have any questions about dental emergencies, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (972) 771-2213.

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